Keep Your Mouth Healthy and Happy

keep your mouth healthy

Healthy gums and teeth are critical for eating well, enjoying food, and avoiding tooth and gum discomfort. Many problems can affect the health of the mouth. These can include tooth decay, tooth loss, gum disease, dental trauma, oral cancer, and more.

Most oral health problems can be prevented, especially if you catch them in the early stages. Prevention remains the go-to choice for keeping the mouth healthy and happy. Here, you can learn more about how to keep your oral health in excellent shape.

Healthy Mouth – What Does It Mean?

A healthy mouth means one that is free of gum infection and cavities. It has straight teeth that provide a great smile and allow you to chew with ease. So, how do you know if your mouth is healthy? Here is what a healthy mouth looks like: 

– Pink and firm gums

– White teeth

– Pleasant breath

– No tooth sensitivity to cold or heat

– Gums don’t bleed after flossing

– Well-hydrated mouth

An unhealthy mouth can harbor bacteria. These bacteria can result in cavities, occasional bleeding after flossing or brushing, and bad breath. People with poor oral health can also experience dry mouth, swollen or red gums, and cracked lips.

Benefits of Having a Clean Mouth

Having a clean mouth can offer a ton of benefits. Working on your oral hygiene with low-cost options such as professional dental cleaning and frequent tooth brushing can decrease the risk of developing cardiovascular and other diseases linked to oral bacteria.

Proper dental hygiene avoids the overgrowth of oral bacteria that can cause gingivitis, tartar, and dental caries. Cleaning the mouth on a regular basis can prevent oral thrush, tooth loss, and tooth stains. Brushing and flossing can also be useful for getting rid of stubborn bad breath.

Plus, preventive care is more affordable than reactive care. So, if you have a clean mouth every day, you can reduce dental expenses and improve your overall health.

How Do You Keep Your Mouth Healthy?

Many people want to know how to make weak teeth strong again. Brushing, flossing, and rinsing are the most fundamental habits for a healthy mouth. But, they are not the only thing that matters when you are working on your oral health. You should also think about the food you eat, your lifestyle choices, and your habits.

Foods for Oral Health

Your nutrition and diet can affect your oral health, especially the tissues in the mouth. When you are consuming too much sugar, you increase the odds of dental caries. While opting for acidic beverages and foods can lead to erosive tooth wear.

Some foods can keep the gums and teeth clean. They can provide the body with the nutrients it needs and reduce the odds of tooth pain and discomfort. Here is a list of the best and worst foods for your mouth.

Products to go for:

Veggies and fruits are high in fiber. High-fiber foods promote saliva production. Chewing them can help remove plaque buildup. Since you will need more time to chew high-fiber foods, your mouth naturally produces more saliva.

Plain yogurt, cheese, milk, and other dairy products. Dairy helps the mouth produce more saliva. This can be helpful for sweeping debris out of the mouth.

Foods naturally rich in fluoride. Fluoride strengthens the tooth enamel, reducing the odds of tooth decay. So, it is a good idea to include foods like grapes, spinach, and raisins into your diet.

Black and green tea. Teas such as these are teeming with polyphenols. That’s why they have potent antibacterial and antioxidant properties. Studies show that polyphenols play an important role in the oral cavity against infections, diseases, and oral cancers.

Products to avoid:

Carbonated beverages. Soft drinks have a ton of added sugar and most have citric and phosphoric acids. This can damage the tooth enamel.

Sticky candies. Candies that get stuck to the gums and teeth can lead to tooth decay. They are hard to remove and often cause bacteria to multiply. If you do like to enjoy the occasional treat, opt for 70% dark chocolate.  

Foods that dry the mouth. Rough and dry foods, like toast and crackers, can draw out the moisture in your mouth. If you already have a dry mouth, it is important to enjoy foods that can boost hydration and saliva production.

Vitamins for Strong Teeth

Vitamins might help in the treatment and prevention of oral diseases. Some of these include calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, vitamin C, and vitamin A. Healthy and well-balanced diets can provide you with all the vitamins your gums and teeth need.

But, if you don’t get a sufficient amount of nutrients from the food you consume, then you may consider taking supplements. Talk to a doctor or dentist before using any dietary supplements for oral health as they could interact with some of the prescription medications you are taking. 

Smoking and Drinking Habits

Smokers are more likely to have gum disease. Excessive alcohol consumption increases the amount of acid in the mouth. Thus, amplifying the risk of enamel loss, cavities, and tooth decay. Both alcohol and cigarettes can contain a high amount of chemicals that could deteriorate the gingival tissue (gum tissue). 

To keep your mouth healthy, you should curb your alcohol intake and stop smoking.

Best Ways to Maintain a Healthy Mouth

To have a healthy mouth, it is important to focus on regular oral care. You can’t get nice teeth overnight – you need to brush, floss, and rinse the teeth every day to prevent dental problems. So, be mindful of your daily habits and the way you brush your teeth. The following mouth care tips can help.

How to Clean Your Mouth From Bacteria

– Brush the teeth 2 times a day. This helps remove food remnants, plaque, and bacteria build-up.

– Floss your teeth daily. Flossing removes the plaque from below the gum line.

– Scrape the tongue. Bacteria and food particles can accumulate on the tongue. 

– Gargle and rinse the mouth. For fresh breath, you can use mouthwash.

– Get regular professional dental cleaning.