What Are Normal Blood Sugar Levels After Eating?

blood sugar level after eating

Regularly monitoring your blood glucose levels becomes a habit if you have diabetes. Whether you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, by keeping an eye on your glucose levels, you can effectively detect unexpected changes and take action. When you have only been diagnosed with diabetes recently, understanding what your blood sugar levels should be can feel frustrating. We are going to consider what normal blood sugar levels are after you have a meal in this article. This can help you determine your risk of diabetes or how well an existing management plan is working. 

Testing Blood Sugar Levels After Eating A Meal

The NIDDK reports that around 10.5% of the American population has diabetes. Among these, it is estimated that around 26.9 million have been diagnosed with diabetes. This means over seven million people are living with diabetes unknowingly. 

Failure to recognize the signs of diabetes can lead to complications, especially if the chronic disease goes undiagnosed and treatment is not provided. 

When it comes to testing your blood sugar levels after you have a meal, there are multiple categories that you have to take into consideration. This includes ranges for non-diabetics, as well as those with diabetes. 

If you do not have diabetes, then your blood glucose levels should be under 7.8 mmol/L within 90 minutes after you have had a meal. If your levels are higher, then it might be an indication that you are prediabetic or even have developed diabetes. 

Here is an overview of blood sugar levels for non-diabetic and diabetic people:

– Non-diabetic: Under 7.8 mmol/L

– Type 1 diabetes: Between five and nine mmol/L

– Type 2 diabetes: Under 8.5mmol/L

These are considered normal levels based on whether or not you have diabetes. In diabetics, when your blood glucose levels are higher than the indicated range 90 minutes after eating, it could mean that the treatment you use is not effective. 

Managing High Blood Sugar After Eating

Once diagnosed with diabetes, your healthcare provider will do a few tests and determine the severity of your condition. This information will help them prescribe a treatment plan that works for you. There are, however, cases where a treatment plan is not as effective as it should be, but high blood glucose levels are not always solely related to the medication you use. 

There are several factors to keep in mind when you want to improve the management of your blood glucose levels after you have a meal. What you consume as part of a meal will play a major role in how much of an effect the food will have on your glucose levels. If you eat a meal that is filled with carbohydrates and sugar, then it could cause a bigger spike in your glucose levels. 

If you find that your glucose levels are constantly high after you have had a meal, then it is a good idea to talk to your doctor. Your doctor can consider the lifestyle changes you have made following the diagnosis of diabetes. They can also consider taking a closer look at your diet and exercise plans, as this can help them determine if lifestyle factors might be affecting glucose control. 

Your healthcare provider will also consider the type of diabetes you have, as well as the current treatment you use to manage the condition. This ensures the doctor can determine whether your medication may need to be adjusted according to the severity of your diabetes. 

When To Test Blood Sugar Levels After Eating?

Some people may feel tempted to check their blood sugar levels immediately after they eat. This, however, will not provide you with an accurate view of how well you are managing your diabetes. It takes a while for the body and digestive system to process foods, as well as to absorb nutrients, as well as sugars. This is why you should not test right after you have had a meal. 

It is usually a good idea to wait between one and two hours before you test your blood sugar levels. This gives the body enough time to process the food that you consume. With this said, many experts believe that the two-hour mark is the best time to test after a meal. 

When Should You Test Your Blood Sugar Levels?

If you have diabetes, then it is important to ensure you test your glucose levels a while after you have had a meal. This, however, is not the only important time to test your blood glucose levels. 

It is generally recommended to test your fasting glucose levels as well as before a meal too. With more data, it is easier to determine if you are doing something wrong or to identify a treatment plan that is not working properly. 

Whether you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, the ideal blood glucose range prior to having a meal is between four and seven mmol/L. In cases where your blood glucose levels are higher than this before you have a meal, be considerate about how the foods you will eat can affect sugar in your blood. It is a good idea to reduce carb and sugar consumption when your glucose levels are already higher than they should be. This way, you can potentially avoid a situation of hyperglycemia after your meal. 

People with type 1 diabetes should also consider testing their blood glucose levels in the morning, right after they wake up. The ideal range upon waking for type 1 diabetes is between five and seven mmol/L. 


High blood sugar levels about an hour or two after eating could be an indication of inefficient glucose and insulin usage in your body. It is important for healthy people who do not have diabetes to also test their glucose once in a while. When glucose rises above 7.8 mmol/L, it is possible that the person is developing insulin resistance. Early diagnosis of prediabetes or diabetes can significantly improve the outlook. Individuals with diabetes should also try to keep their glucose levels within the appropriate range, both before and after eating.