We’re often told to eat many fruits and vegetables daily. These foods contain many vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and critical plant-based compounds that can offer certain health benefits. Once diagnosed with diabetes, however, you’re suddenly told to be wary of certain fruits and veggies. This can be unclear and counteract what you’ve been told all this time. The reality is that certain fruits can cause spikes in your blood sugar levels, but this does not mean you can’t have any fruit as part of your diet. We’ll look at the top fruits you can include in a diabetes-friendly diet.
Debunking The Myth That Fruit Is Unsafe For Diabetics
Several myths are going around when it comes to diabetes. One of these myths is that fruit is not a safe food option for people with this condition. Several studies have debunked this myth, however.
In one study, researchers examined the link between fruit consumption and diabetes. They focused on fruit consumption among those with and without the condition to get a clearer picture. The research data suggests that people who eat more fruit have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The researchers also found evidence that higher fruit consumption is linked to fewer diabetic complications in those who already have the condition.
This is not the only study that proves fruit to be beneficial for diabetes. In another study, researchers again provided evidence that the risk of type 2 diabetes is significantly lower among those who eat more fresh fruits.
Best Fruits To Include In Your Diabetic Diet
As evidence emerges that fruit is not an unsafe food for diabetes, it’s important to assess the different types of fruits that you can include in your diet. While it’s true that fresh fruit consumption may be beneficial, you still need to understand that some fruits are high in natural sugars and even carbohydrates. These factors can result in blood sugar spikes, essentially leading to hyperglycemia.
1. Apples
Will an apple a day keep your doctor away? According to research, apples might do the trick for people with diabetes who want a snack that won’t cause problems with their blood glucose. One apple contains about 25 grams of carbohydrates, so remember this when you decide to have this snack. You can enjoy half of the apple, which contains just over 40 calories. Apples are an excellent source of fiber and vitamin C. It’s essential to eat the apple with its skin on.
2. Apricots
Opt for a few apricots if you’re looking for something low on carbs yet still nutritious and delicious. Their small size makes them the perfect on-the-go snack. A single apricot contains just four grams of carbs and only has around 17 calories. They are rich in fiber and vitamin A, which affects your immune system and plays a role in keeping your vision healthy.
3. Berries
Berries, such as strawberries and blueberries, are incredibly rich in antioxidants. These antioxidants help to fight free radicals in your body, which is associated with low-grade inflammation and a higher risk of disease. For diabetics, berries are often considered to be a superfood. They are not just rich in antioxidants but also deliver a high concentration of essential vitamins and minerals. Eating about a cup of berries will give you 21 grams of carbs, so be sure to keep this in mind as well.
4. Tart Cherries
Inflammation is a relatively common problem among people with diabetes. The inflammatory responses can impact your immune system and other processes that your body depends on. Research suggests that tart cherries are an excellent choice for fighting against the inflammation that diabetics may experience. Eating a cup of these cherries will fill your body with powerful antioxidants and just over 12 grams of carbohydrates.
5. Oranges
Oranges are known for their high vitamin C content but contain other vital nutrients, such as folate and potassium. This very important mineral plays multiple roles in your body. There are 16 grams of carbs in a medium-sized orange and around 65 calories. Grapefruit and lemons are also good choices when it comes to citrus fruits.
6. Kiwi
Kiwi is an often overlooked fruit. It’s a delicious addition to fruit salads and even as a snack. There are 11 grams of carbs in a kiwi, vitamin C, and potassium. In addition to these nutrients, kiwi is also a great fruit choice if you want to increase your fiber intake.
7. Pears
When it comes to adding more fiber to your diet, don’t forget pears. These fruits are juicy and they have a great taste. Eating just a single medium-sized pear gives you around 5.5 grams of fiber – that’s quite impressive. A pear also gives you several nutrients, including potassium, magnesium, and vitamin C, at just 11 grams of carbs per fruit.
8. Peaches
The last fruit on our list would be a peach. It’s another excellent snack if you prefer some juicer fruits. They are relatively low in carbs but give you a high dose of potassium and vitamin C. Combining these nutrients helps improve immunity and creates a better balance in your electrolyte levels. Apart from eating the peach, you can add it to your tea to create a flavorful beverage.
Bottom Line
There are many foods that you should try to avoid as a diabetic, including certain fruits. By knowing which fruit options are diabetic-friendly, you’ll be able to enjoy the plant compounds in these foods without causing problems with your blood sugar. In this post, you discovered eight of the best fruits for a diabetes-friendly diet, which can give you a good headstart when you’re looking to plan your next shopping spree.